How can I access HeinOnline from off campus?


You can access HeinOnline (or other databases that the library has subscribed to) through the library’s webpage at - scroll down a tad until you get to the list of databases and then sign in using these posted instructions

Connecting from Off-campus
Current UNH students, faculty, and staff may access most library resources, including databases, from off-campus:
1. Navigate to the resource you want on the Library web site.
2. Click on the link
3. You will be prompted for your UNH IT ID username and password (same as your email)
4. Once verified, you will be forwarded on to your resource.
Once you have logged in, you can access databases and other electronic resources available through the library web site.

  • Last Updated Apr 14, 2020
  • Views 43
  • Answered By Sue Zago

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